Rozhgar Mahmud Mustafa, New Works

Rozhgar Mahmud Mustafa, New Works
Opening 24.10.2009 at 18.00
Exhibition open until 6 December, Tuesday to Sunday, 12.00 - 18.00

Rozhgar Mahmud Mustafa, A Pot of Water, video 28', 2009, courtesy the artist

Rozhgar Mahmud Mustafa is a Kurdish artist from Northern Iraq, currently at the Wyspa Art Institute on a grant from the Gdańsk Exclusive programme. She is a graduate of the Institute of Fine Arts in her home town of Suleimania. During the exhibition, she will present two video-installations which in a minimalist, almost abstract way reflect the tension between a sensual individualised reception of the world and the political surroundings.

Like many artists from her country, Rozhgar avoids depicting war and cruelty. The experience of war is not for her a series of simulacra but a profound life experience. In her art, she reduces war and the political tensions in the region and their influence on the condition of the individual to a small sequence of increasing sounds, as in her video-installation “The wall” (2008). The image remains constant, practically immobile, and the viewer, finding himself between the screens, hears only the sound of walls falling in series like dominoes. In “A pot of water” (2009) on the other hand, she shows the fatigue of uncertainty, fear and unsteadiness which affects the body and which is caused by the situation in the region by showing the monotonous, almost ritualistic meticulousness of executing the absurd activity of drawing water with the use of a spoon.

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