“Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies” book

The exhibition project “Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies” by Oliver Ressler focuses on diverse concepts and models for alternative economies and societies, which all share a rejection of the capitalist system of rule.

The book “Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies” is a collaborative effort of the artist and Wyspa Insitute of Art (www.wyspa.art.pl), following the presentation in the “Health and Safety” exhibition at Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk, 2004 and shows the current status of the ongoing project.
It includes an introduction by Aneta Szylak, the new essay “Questions from an Artist Who Speaks (and Reads, Writes, Thinks, and Acts)“ / “Pytania od artysty który przemawia (a także czyta, pisze myśli i działa)“ by Gregory Sholette, and the following texts, which are based on transcriptions of video interviews that were carried out by Oliver Ressler for the project between 2003 and 2007:

Chaia Heller: Libertarian Municipalism / Komunalizm Libertariański
Takis Fotopoulos: Inclusive Democracy / Demokracja inkluzywna
Michael Albert: Participatory Economics / Ekonomia uczestnicząca
Heinz Dieterich: The Socialism of the 21st Century / Socjalizm 21. wieku
Paul Cockshott: Towards a New Socialism / W kierunku Nowego Socjalizmu
p.m.: bolo’bolo
Marge Piercy: Utopian Feminist Visions / Utopijne idee feministyczne
Ralf Burnicki: Anarchist Consensual Democracy / Anarchistyczna Demokracja Konsensualna
Maria Mies: The Subsistence Perspective / Perspektywa naturalna
Nancy Folbre: Caring Labor / Praca opiekuńcza
Christoph Spehr: Free Cooperation / Wolna Współpraca
John Holloway: Change the World Without Taking Power / Zmieniaj świat bez przejmowania władzy
The Zapatista Good Government / Dobry Rząd Zapatystów
Todor Kuljic: Yugoslavia’s Workers Self-Management / Samozarządzanie robotników w Jugosławii
Salomé Moltó: Workers’ Collectives during the Spanish Revolution / Kolektywy robotnicze podczas rewolucji hiszpańskiej
Alain Dalotel: The Paris Commune 1871 / Komuna Paryska 1871 roku

The book is published under Creative Commons license.

Editors: Aneta Szylak (Wyspa Insitute of Art) & Oliver Ressler, 240 pages (20 pages in color), languages: English and Polish, ISBN 978-83-924665-0-5, EUR 18,- (+ EUR 7,35 postage fees)

Purchase inquiries: roma.piotrowska@wyspa.art.pl or oliver.ressler@chello.at (only Euro-zone)

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Wyspa Institute of Art and Oliver Ressler and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

For detailed Information on the exhibition project “Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies” please check out www.ressler.at

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